Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Henry's 3 Month Update

Weight: ~12lbs

Length: 24"

Loves: He loves being face to face with you and smiling and talking. This kid is such a chatter box! It's always making noise and loves to be part of any conversation. We can't leave him along for a split second before he starts fussing and feeling left out. Every night during dinner we prop him up on or next to the table so he can join in. We have attempted to leave him in his swing but that is only met with whining and fussing. He has to be part of everything. 

Hates: being ignored or left alone, he is a people person.

Milestones:  He's holding his head up better and better. We're working on floor time and rolling but he hasn't quite got the hang of it (If you've been following me on social media you know this recently changed 😉).

Sleep: He does pretty well. He usually has his last feed between 7 and 9PM. Then we finally lay him in his crib around 9 after Jack goes down. Then he sleeps until about 6AM. So anywhere from 9-11hrs. Not bad! And we have started putting him in his crib at night which means he's sharing a room with Jack 😲. He is a light sleeper though so sometimes in the middle of the night he squiggles and grunts and we have to re-binikie him but he usually goes back down pretty easy. And so far Jack has been sleeping through even the loudest of screams! #parentwin

Eating: Still going pretty well. I still have up days and down days but I try to remind myself that he is happy and content. If he starts screaming for more we can adjust but so far so good.

We aren't going to group anymore, which I am incredibly sad about. It was such a form of peace of mind. It was a real way to make sure he was doing ok and getting enough. I thought about going 1 day a month and working from home but with Jack, work, daycare, etc. it was just too much and it didn't work out. Maybe I can find a weekend group but we'll just have to see.

I'm also still rocking the pump life. At work I pump 3 times a day; 9AM, 12noon, and 3PM. I'm not pumping what he's eating but I'm not terribly far off. The night before I left for work I had 423 oz. in the freezer and I counted again recently to see what I have been able to replace from daycare and I have 423 oz. So I have been able to replace EXACTLY what he's eating and that made me feel so good!

Teething: Nope, thank god!