Weight: ~18 lbs
Length: ~27"
Loves: He LOVES to army crawl around the house but especially under and through things. He's always crawling between our legs or under the chairs and tables. Maybe we need this. He also loves to stand. He still loves bath time especially since we have graduated to using the big tub. My only annoyance is how long it takes to fill and how much water we have to use for it; the desert girl in me is horrified by wasting all that water but o' well. But the thing he loves the most is his new walker (watch for it on the 8 month must haves). He could walk around in it all day if we let him. But he's not very good at turning so we have to chase after him and that is less fun haha.
Hates: Not very much. He does get bored easy so there must be plenty of toys or people or something to keep him constantly entertained.
Milestones: He has stepped up his army crawl game. He is super quick and now moves around the entire house with ease. We are constantly wondering where he is and what that noise we just heard was. He has also just started to pull himself up on things. So far he has limited it to people, his froggy chair, and only the coffee table at our sitters but not ours. Clearly they had a falling out ;).
He is just starting to say "Mama" and "Dada" when wanting us. He said them all the time before but it never really meant anything. But now when I pick him up from day care he crawls over to me saying "mamamama". He also says it the cutest way. He puts his top lip completely over his bottom lip instead of meeting his lips in the middle. It's adorable.
He still hasn't picked up waving or kissing but he knows they are good things so if you wave at him he'll smile.
Sleep: He is a great sleeper! Pretty much the same as last month. I put him down around 8 and he wakes up around 7:30-8.
Eating: He still has 4 bottles a day 6 oz each. Then three solids, breakfast, lunch and dinner. He can do finger foods because he eats puffs like nobody's business but anything else he seems to forgoet how to do it. We also tried a little cottage cheese with pureed berries and that didn't go so well. He would suck all the berries off the pieces of cheese and the SPIT the cheese out. What person doesn't like cheese? We'll keep trying :)
Teething: Still nothing, I'm going to have the toothless wonder :)
PS - he has his 9 month checkup in a few weeks so I'll update with actual weight and height soon :)
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