Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Jack Hears a Who - Hiking at Horton Creek

Last weekend Max rolled over in bed and said "Do you want to go on the hike or are you too tired?", I responded how everyone responds "I don't care, whatever you want to do love." He said that it was fine and that we would go next weekend. I laid in bed starring at the ceiling trying to decide what to say. Do I say "No, let's go. You won't be so tired once we get moving" and seal my fate to a long day of hiking and fun in the sun with my family or do I just lay here and blame him for being too tired when he complains about being lazy later and enjoy a slow Sunday?

I went with the blame him option.

"I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephants faithful 100%"

But my fate was sealed anyway. We woke up a few hours later and decided it was still early enough to go so we grabbed Jack, the dogs, and our already packed packs (thank you eagle scout constantly ready husband) and headed out.

Max had landed on the Horton Creek Trail because it met all my super easy requirements; flat, not too short or too long, easy-ish, pretty, and not too far away. God, I'm so agreeable :).

Now because it was Horton Creek there were several Horton Hears a Who references, Max was ready for them and even fired a few back, and that's why he's my husband.

The trail was exactly what I was looking for, pretty, easy, and so much fun. It started off so easy that I started planning Horton Hears a Who reference pictures for Jack to be in for this blog. But I somewhat quickly changed my tune. No it didn't start to get hard, no I wasn't worried about Max carrying our 10 month old alone with no help, no the dogs weren't pulling on me because they were off leash, My I-haven't-gone-on-a-hike-in-2-years-because-I-had-a-baby tiredness set in. And when I get tired and frustrated I get mad. This did not make Max happy.

"This entire Jungle is a house of death!"

For the most part stopping to catch my breath and a drink of water helped so we did that frequently. Max was very supportive and would drink and say he needed the break too.


But I got some great pictures and even got some of my movie reference ones :).

I even took one of a butterfly, which is incredibly difficult which is why it's terrible. But instantly after I took the terrible photo the butterfly started flying at my face. I was waving my arms wildly and snapping the camera because I thought "I might die from a butterfly attack but maybe I'll get a great picture!" I found it funny. But once we got home and I showed Max the pictures he laughed at me not like "oh how adorable" but more like "OMG your insane and I have to tell everyone how your afraid of butterflies" so the pictures got deleted. So I'm sorry your only left with a terrible on-purpose photo of a butterfly.

"...They all eat rainbows and poop butterflies"

Well my tiredness continued and I couldn't quite make it to the end of the hike. Max kept lying to me and telling me it was just "a little farther" but since it was always "a little farther" I got a little more frustrated. And he called it quits before I completely broke down and starting singing "liar liar pants on fire..."

We decided to walk down to the creek and enjoy a nice relaxed lunch together. We got Jack out of his king's seat so he could stretch and enjoy a bottle of his own.

It was truly adorable. Our little family enjoying some time relaxing by the water and eating some delicious snacks. Jack had his puffs, we had some sandwiches and the dogs finally stopped long enough to take a drink from the creek. Jack walked around a bit (with some help of course) and there were many giggles.

"A person's a person no matter how small"

The hike out was about the same as the hike in and I tried to keep my frustration to myself even though my pinky toe decided to burrow a hole through the toe next to it. I some how survived and I'm already excited for the next adventure.

As you may know Max runs his own humble, ok let's be honest better, blog : Lesser Places. Where he writes about his out door adventures. If you want to read about our hike from a not-so-tired mama point of view, with less Horton Hears a Who references, or want to see more adorable pictures of Jack on our trip make sure to CHECK IT OUT NOW!

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