Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jack's 5 Month Update

Weight: ~13.5 lbs.

Length: ~25.5"

Loves: BATH TIME! That kid could take a bath all day long. He loves to splash and kick in the water. And he has recently learned how to crunch up and sit from his reclined position. Great now he can face plant in the water. While I am always with him I make doubly sure to keep an extra hand on him now so he doesn't go face first in the water while he reaches for a toy. He is also into what I call the howler monkey talk, which basically means he screeches and yells and you can't tell if he's upset or just talking! He also likes to sit in his Bumbo chair and bat at the toy on the tray. He likes to watch tv and wiggle around any which way to see it better, this does not bode well for our future. And lastly every morning he loves when I change him because he knows after I'll stand him up in front of the mirror so he can check himself out, he gets the biggest grin! He must think he looks good in everything :)

Hates: Being ignored. If we turn our back for one second he starts the whimpering and throwing his arms up to get picked up, or my personal favorite, the bottom lip quiver. While it's super adorable it's kind of annoying because it makes it hard to get anything done.

Milestones: He has officially decided that rolling over isn't that bad. However, he will only roll over from back to belly, the hard way, he's such a Wilson. He tries to roll over from belly to back but after one attempt he gives up and cries. Then as soon as I help him roll over to his back he immediately giggles and rolls back to his belly. I think it's a ploy to get me to hang out with him lol. He is also making great strides in sitting. He can do a baby crunch and bring himself up to sitting from a reclined position, specifically in the bathtub...great. He can also sit on dry land for a few moments before he topples over. He's getting so big!

Sleep: Still going strong! We never really went through the sleep regression most parents talk about at 4 months so knock on wood that it continues. I usually put him down around 9ish and he wakes up around 6ish

Eating: We have made the transition to formula. As you already know from this post and that post breastfeeding was difficult and my body has given up the ghost. So we have him on the gentle tummy target brand of formula and he's eating 6oz and seems to be doing fine. We have also started solids! He has been eating oatmeal (We skipped rice since that can back a kid up) every night for almost 3 weeks. And on Friday we'll start eating veggies!

Teething: Lots of drool but less snotty so we'll just have to wait and see!

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