Monday, October 5, 2015

Jack's First Cabin Trip

Over the weekend the Thursday Crew, aka our nearest and dearest friends that we have dinner with every Thursday for the past 6 years, headed back up to the cabin! It has been exactly a year since our last visit. Last time I was only 10 weeks pregnant with Jack, and now he's almost 6 months old! Time flies when you're having fun :)

I took Friday off to pack up and get things ready, like I have done for all our trips haha, no surprise there. I basically packed exactly the same things I did for Jack when we went to Houston. Once we had everything packed we loaded up the car and headed out.

When we go on car rides with all of us including the dogs we usually put Jack in the middle and one dog on either side. Honey is a beast in the car, she pants super loud and throws drool everywhere. She also refuses to sit down and instead posts her legs against the seat back as if she's going to lunge out of the car at any moment. This results in her getting tangled in the seat belt we have her buckled into. Well about half way through the drive we hear Jack scream. We look back to find honey still buckled in but standing halfway over Jack, her nails digging into his legs. So I scramble into the back, try to unbuckle her so she can get off Jack and onto the other side of him with Gus. I finally get her unbuckle but now she's scared, so I have to push and wrangle into the opposite seat with Gus. Poor Gus just sat there staring at me as if to say "Why would you let her do this to me". So now two dogs are shoved into one seat, Jack in the middle, and me in the other trying to calm them all down. And Max is in the front alone. It must have been a scene for all those driving by :).

But about an hour later we made it up to the cabin and everyone was happy. We got everything unloaded and it was time to feed Jack. After his bottle I laid him on the rug to play and Max and I decided to wind down and read some books from the overstocked bookshelf. I can't even remember the last book I read so this was a real treat. And they even had one of my favorites, The Thorn Birds.

Later that night our friends trickled in and we just sat around enjoying the lack of internet, phones, tv's etc. and instead enjoyed each other's company and conversation. Oh and enjoyed playing with Jack too ;)

The next morning we all slept in, even Jack slept in an extra hour until 7, and then got up and had a nice big homemade breakfast. The boys then went off shooting and the girls stayed behind with Jack and the dogs. We decided to go for a short walk down the road, probably 2 miles in total. The dogs were great and Jack slept the whole way in the carrier.

We spent the rest of the afternoon playing games. Because the girls got back first we sat outside on the patio and played various games while Jack rested in his bouncy chair. And when the boys came home they set up in the living room to play Risk. Each group could hear the other yell and scream and cuss as the games went on; it was pretty hysterical.

The rest of the night included dinner, more games, and of course libations. You could tell no one was going to feel good the next morning ;). Honey also tried to make up with Jack for the bumpy car ride. She laid down next to him and cuddled up while he played. She even let him grab and play with her ears and fur. Both of our dogs are so amazing with Jack and sometimes it even brings tears to my mommy eyes :). I don't know if Jack forgave her but I sure did.

We all woke up groggy and tired; except Jack. He woke up fussy and moody. Nothing seemed to calm him down. He guzzled his morning bottle and was still grumpy. I spent the rest of the morning dealing with him while everyone else tried to clear their hangover for the drive home. We had AMAZING pancakes (shout out to Sarah) and bacon for breakfast but Jack barely let us scarf them down before he was whinning again.  We got the whole cabin packed up and locked down and just as we were about to leave I decided to give Jack another bottle instead of pushing him through the drive. Sure enough he guzzled it down and then was perfectly happy. He was fussy all morning because he was hungry and now he's happy just as we are leaving :). Ah the joys of motherhood.

It's also tradition to make a diary entry, if you will, in the Cabin "log" book. Every trip you have to write a little something about your adventures. Since this was Jack's first time we  put him on my lap and I held the pen while he attempted to make a few scribbles. It was adorable. He is immortalized in the Cabin book forever :)

On the way home we decided to put Jack behind the passenger seat and let the dogs have the rest of the back seat in hopes that maybe Honey wouldn't freak out this time and try to jump/walk on Jack. This worked like a charm!! She stayed on her side and Jack on the other and then to top it off Jack slept the whole way home!

It was a great trip and can't wait for the next one in Spring when Jack is 1! WHAT?!

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